
Wiki Article

Decker Shado is a YouTube channel that reviews films. It was an accident that I discovered it, but I'm glad I did. What's ups disapproving and sarcastic take on movies is refreshing, especially when you consider mainstream movie criticism which is usually just a bunch talking about how good a movie is. Decker also talks about movie theory, easter eggs, and behind-the-scenes details in his reviews, which give me a new appreciation for even the movies I disliked the most. Decker's unmistakable swagger makes each review more fun. Decker Shado, the YouTube Decker Shado movie reviews channel of Decker, has transformed my way of watching films. This is what I will always be grateful to Decker for.

a listing of blogs

Crazy, Wonderful Cult Films
Film Database of Aliens
Bad Flicks
The Film Forum
The Big Screen is Back
Movie Reviews Sparkly

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